Supports and Resistances

Supports and Resistances: 

These indicators use swings to find supports and resistances and have the same parameters.

Level: Number of candles in the left side and right side of the swing point which are lower than peak or higher than the trough.

Min Distance: The minimum distance between the current price and SR price level

Max Candles: Maximum number of candles to check

Max Extremums: Maximum number of extremums to check

[SUP.RES] Next Upper Support Resistancelevel, min distance, max candles, max extremums   default: 3,50,1000,100Returns nearest upper support resistance that its Distance to current price is more than “Min Distance
[SUP.RES] Next Lower Support Resistancelevel, min distance, max candles, max extremums   default: 3,50,1000,100Returns nearest lower support resistance that its Distance to current price is more than “Min Distance