- Make sure you have enough data in the history center for all time frames of any used symbols. (This is very important)

- Its highly recommended that test your strategies in “Every Tick” mode or if your strategy is candle base use “Control Points” mode by M1 period. The period that you are chosen in strategy tester must be less than the minimum of the time frames that are used in your strategy. For example, if you implement a multi-timeframe strategy that uses M15, H1, H4 you can select M1, M5 as the period of strategy tester.

- Make Sure “AutoTrading” in the top toolbar is enabled.

- Make sure “Allow automated trading” is enabled in Options > Expert Advisors menu.

- For enabling news engine, you must add “https://nfs.faireconomy.media” and “https://cloud.forexfactory.com/” to the list of allowed web request URLs in Tools > options menu and then Expert advisors tab. Don’t forget to check “Allow Web Request for listed URL“.

Note: ESB supports news in the backtest but needs a news information database. A complete news database is available at https://www.easystrategybuilder.com/downloads.
For MT5 it has to be in common folder (Terminal/Common/Files) but for MT4 it can be in Tester/Files folder as well.
– To find the common folder, in MT from File Menu click on “Open Data Folder” and then go back to parent directory to see Common Folder. Open Common folder and then go to Files folder. Paste the allnews.ndf file there.
- Note that If you want to get notification directly on your phone, set up MT4 on your phone and then go to Settings > Messages and write your MetaQuotes ID on a paper. Then in the MT4 trading platform in your PC or VPS, go to Tools > Options > Notifications menu and then check the “Enable Push Notifications” and enter your MetaQuotes ID there. After you have completed this step restart MetaTrader 4. Your settings won’t work until you restart the platform.

- If you want to get E-Mails, first set up your email. In MT4 trading platform go to Tools -> Options or simply click CTRL+O. Check the “Enable” checkbox and complete your mailbox data. After you have completed, it is highly recommended that you restart MetaTrader 4. Your settings won’t work until you restart the platform.

Magic Number: The “Magic Number” of positions is important. If you need to run two instances of ESB on the same symbol, you must use different magic numbers to rid of conflict between positions. Note that if ESB is activated on different symbols with the same magic number, there is no conflict and ESB can determine its positions.
ECN/FIFO brokers: Make sure the ECN and FIFO broker options (in advanced options) match with your current broker.