

For obtaining information about a group of orders. You can filter orders that are buy or sell or specific volume or its comment included some desired words or not included. The parameters are as follows:


For example, write this for parameters:

EURUSD|USDJPY,BUY, 123456, 0.1, 0.5, MyBot, abc 

That means you want to obtain data about opened buy orders on EURUSD and USDJPY pairs that are placed by a robot with magic number 123456 and their lottages are greater than 0.1 and less than 0.5 and their comments are included “MyBot” and not included “abc”. You can use | for multiple symbols, magic numbers, and tickets. For example 


If you don’t want use some parameters just leave them empty. For example:

EURUSD, , , 0.1, , MyBot

[ORDERS] Countsymbols, type, magics, min_size, max_size, comment_include, comment_not_include, ticketsReturns number of filtered orders
[ORDERS] Total Lotssymbols, type, magics, min_size, max_size, comment_include, comment_not_include, ticketsReturns total volumes of a filtered orders
[ORDERS] Total Profitsymbols, type, magics, min_size, max_size, comment_include, comment_not_include, ticketsReturns total profit of a filtered orders
[ORDERS] Total Swapsymbols, type, magics, min_size, max_size, comment_include, comment_not_include, ticketsReturns total swap of a filtered orders
[ORDERS] Total Deposit Loadsymbols, type, magics, min_size, max_size, comment_include, comment_not_include, ticketsReturns total deposit load of a filtered orders
[ORDERS] Max Durationsymbols, type, magics, min_size, max_size, comment_include, comment_not_include, ticketsReturns max duration time of a filtered orders ( duration: how many seconds positions are open)