

 X AND Y Returns the result of the x AND y
 X OR YReturns the result of the x OR y
 X XOR YReturns the result of the x XOR y
 X PLUS YReturns the result of the x + y
 X MINUS YReturns the result of the x –  y
 NOT XReturns the result of the inverse of x
 X MOD YReturns the result of the remaining of x/y
 X POW YReturns the result of the xy
 PIReturns 3.14125
 X ISABOVE Y  ,            X>YReturns True if X>Y
 X ISBELow Y ,            X<YReturns True if X<Y
 X ISEQUAL Y ,             X=YReturns True if X=Y
 X  ISNOTEQUAL Y,     X<>YReturns True if X#Y
 X  PointsReturns X points
 X  PIPSReturns X pips
 VALUE , LASTVALUEReturns last value of the indicator (useful in IF functions)
 NOTHINGReturns nothing. (useful in IF functions)