Imagine you have a strategy and you want to test it and set some parameters for it. There are two ways to approach this. The first option is to test it live or forward on a demo or real account for a specific time frame or a specific number of positions to find the optimum parameters. However, this method is time-consuming, inaccurate, and prone to human errors. The second option is to convert your strategy into an expert advisor, enabling you to conduct years of backtesting, optimize it for better results, and make code adjustments as needed.
The second option comes with its own set of challenges: programming skills are required, which means learning C++ for starters, reading numerous books and documents, memorizing algorithms and syntax, and dedicating years to even implement basic strategies. After mastering these steps, you need to switch to MQL, memorize its syntax, learn about forex-specific details, and finally implement your strategy in the MetaTrader environment. This involves understanding how to set a trade, how to monitor it, how to connect to servers, how to manage responses and market or broker errors, determine risks, and more.
The third option is to use “do it yourself” programs, often referred to as robot or strategy builders. These programs provide a series of block diagrams, functions, and indicators that you can drag and drop to implement your plan. In the end, you get an export file that can be used in MetaTrader. These programs simplify your work significantly, as they eliminate the need to deal with programming complexities and difficulties.
We introduce Easy Strategy Builder, which uses an innovative and different method. This is the world’s easiest way to automate your strategies, compatible with STP, ECN, and FIFO brokers. No drag-and-drop is needed—just set the conditions for your trading strategy, adjust the settings to your desired values, and let it work in your account. ESB also helps you backtest and optimize your trading strategies quickly, removing those that don’t pass your tests and replacing them with new ones. This saves you time and money while maintaining a successful collection of trading strategies.
You can implement multi-currency and multi-timeframe strategies. ESB supports most types of strategies, including scalping, price action, martingale, arbitrage, grid, hedge, trendline trading, news trading, level trading, and more. All MetaTrader standard and custom indicators are supported. Price action functions allow you to analyze everything about prices and candles or groups of candles. If the ready-made functions aren’t enough, you can define your custom functions. ESB has advanced risk management and money management modules, supporting any kind of break-even and trailing stops. It also has a very strong and intelligent news engine that, in care mode, monitors news and decides how to manage trades. ESB has a convenient panel that helps you monitor everything, along with strong logging and notification modules that can send any report directly to your phone or log it anywhere.
ESB is a multi-purpose utility that can act as either an expert or an indicator. It can be used as an indicator if you set it to mark entry points on charts. You can implement many experts from the MQL market in less than 10 minutes, without any programming knowledge, using just a few clicks.